Thursday, September 18, 2008

Restorante - Caffe Del Mare in Twickenham

I had the absolute pleasure of getting up and walking out of the Pizza Express in Twickenham because of being totally ignored and walking 2 minutes down the road towards Manor House park to find caffe Del Mares, a cute little resturant with fantastic food and service. The staff seemed genuinly excited about their food and their resturant. We were warned that getting a seat there over the weekend may require a booking but it would be well worth it!

Simple nunit walkthrough

To setup a nunit test do the following.

1. Download and install nunit 2.0
2. In your VS project add a reference to nunit.framework
3. In your VS project create a new class. Name doesn't matter.
4. Add using NUnit.Framework to your using statements for the new class
5. Prefix your new class with [TestFixture]. example [TestFixture] public class MyTest{}
6. Prefix a method to setup your class with [SetUp]. example: [SetUp] protected void setup() {}
7. Prefix your test methods with [Test]. example [Test] public void ThisIsATest() {}
8. In your ThisIsATest() method type Assert. (PS type Assert dot so you can see the auto-complete)
And then look at the list of options available to you. Each test method should have one assert method which does a test.

To run the test, first build your project, then find nunit on your start menu and open it up. Use it to browse for the dll or exe in your bin folder you just compiled.
Use NUnit to run the test.

NUnit will look for the classes in your project prefixed with [TestFixture] and execute all the [Test]s in it. It will then show you a summary of the results.

Thats all there is to it

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Definition of globalization is

Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Question: How come?
  1. An English princess 
  2. with an Egyptian boyfriend 
  3. crashes in a French tunnel, 
  4. driving a German car 
  5. with a Dutch engine, 
  6. driven by a Belgian who was drunk 
  7. on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling) 
  8. followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, 
  9. on Japanese motorcycles; 
  10. treated by an American doctor, 
  11. using Brazilian medicines. 
  12. This is sent to you by an African, 
  13. using Bill Gates' - (an American)technology, 
  14. and you're probably reading this on your computer, that use Taiwanese chips, 
  15. and a Korean monitor, 
  16. assembled by Bangladeshi workers Publish Post
  17. in a Singapore plant, 
  18. transported by Indian lorry-drivers, 
  19. hijacked by Indonesians, 
  20. unloaded by Pakistani men, 
  21. and trucked to you by Mexicans 
  22. And now the above being emailed by a person sitting in South Africa
  23. Posted on this blog by me, a South African sitting in London.
  24. My brother is in Thailand
  25. I've got a friend who just moved to Austalia
  26. And my dad works for an American company in South Africa.
That, my friends, is Globalization!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Olympic Credit Crunch

This was emailed to me, if someone has an issue with me not having the rights to post it please email me and I'll remove it asap. If we can't laugh at the world today we'll all go crazy!


Windows Virtual Server hosting

I've been using VPSLand since beginning 2007, Its great value for money if you need more flexibility from your hosting than the standard web hosting that other companies offer. They're uptime is great and the few minor issues I had with them over the last 20 or so months were quickly addressed. Also helps that they have unlimited free online support via email, and they've always responded to me within a day or 2 with a solution!
I'd let you make your own mind up, also you need to consider if you need VPS hosting or if the standard hosting that can be more cheaply available.
I do think however that with the web becoming more and more powerful it will become more necessary for people to go for the more flexible options of VPS hosting.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Google Chrome

I downloaded google chrome and despite its current limitations I am still using it as I love all things google! 

I would like them to enable you to add their toolbar to the browser and I've noticed that some buttons on facebook doesn't work (Example when you have your friends devided into groups and you try and navigate between the groups it doesn't seem to work)

But I love "Application" feel of Google Chrome and thinking back on projects I have done in the past here I've had to get my clients to press F11 to go full screen this would be a lovely alternative. Then again so would Opera but like I said I like all things google!

You can download it here

Tuesday, September 2, 2008