Friday, July 20, 2007

Here we go again

This week my Nupogen injections started again. And dispite actually getting a script from my oncologist, it seems close to impossible to get the shots given to you by a hospital. We have a very friendly neighboarhood GP who usually helped me out but since this time I'm getting double dose and I have to take it early morning and late evening I did not feel it was right to ask her to do it again. So now I'm giving it to myself. The first time is definitly the worse, but it helped that I was tiered and gatvol by die time I had to do it.

Anyway, so next week Monday they sticking the pencil in my neck again. Or quintis catheter as they like to call it and then on Tuesday and Wednesday its the big days!!! I need to produce stem cells this time otherwise... well I just have to.

So anyone who reads this please say a prayer for me, I'm going to need it next week!

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