Jannie is in Gr.1 en sy Engelsjuffrou het probleme met hom.
Jannie meen hy's te slim vir Gr.1 en wil na Gr.3 oorgeplaas word.
Sy suster is in Gr.3 en Jannie reken hy is baie slimmer as sy.
Die juffrou het genoeg gehad en vat hom na die skoolhoof.
Die hoof sê hy gaan Jannie toets.As hy druip,bly hy in Gr.1.
Hoof:"Wat is 3x3?"
Jannie :"9"
Hoof:"Wat is 6x6?'
Jannie :"36"
So gaan dit aan totdat die juffrou die hoof vra of sy nie
maar vir Jannie `n paar vrae in Engels kan vra nie
Juffrou:"What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?"
Jannie :"Legs"
Juffrou:"What do you have in you pants that I don't have?"
Jannie :"Pockets"
Juffrou:"What starts with a c and ends with a t, is
hairy,oval,delicious and contains a thin,whitish liquid?"
Die hoof vee die sweet van sy voorkop af
Jannie :"Coconut"
Juffrou:"What goes in hard and pink and comes out soft and sticky?"
Jannie :"Bubblegum"
Juffrou:"What does a man do standing up, a woman do sitting downand a dog does on three legs?"
Jannie :"Shake hands"
Juffrou:"Now I'll ask some 'Who am I sort of questions, okay?"
Jannie :"Yup"
Juffrou:You stick your pole inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you.
Jannie :"A tent"
Juffrou: A finger goes into me.You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first
Die hoof lyk baie gespanne.
Jannie :"wedding ring"
Juffrou: I come in many sizes. When I'm not well I drip. When you blow me you feel good.
Jannie :"Nose"
Juffrou:I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver.
Jannie :"Arrow"
Juffrou: What starts with a F ends with a K that means a lot of excitement?
Jannie :"firetruck
Die hoof sê: Sit die klein bliksem in Gr.5 Ek het die laaste 10 antwoorde verkeerd gehad!!!!!!!
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