My mind, the unfortunate cynic, complains that my bodies environment suffers from the various city folk, coughing in my face, that traffic isn't that bad (you need the exercise) and you can get the news from the radio and get the added benefit of music instead of endless advertising in the paper (And even if there is advertising on the radio, its sometimes more entertaining, would miss the cartoons though...). So the trump card is car maintenance, which boils down to money.
Now personally I'm starting to think that the money for a car is really the well justified. First and foremost its a health issue. There is endless propaganda that talks about it being good for the environment to use public transport, but every winter I have to fight off flu after flu because some prior victim of the public transport health hazard, sneezes or coughs on me.
There are also the benefits of having a car for weekend trips (which cost some money anyway might as well pay a big oil corporate than a big public transport corporate). You don't need to rush to catch trains for you relaxing trips because the car leaves when you want to leave, and the comport of being in your own personal space (and not being sneezed on) is a brilliant perk.
One of the best perks I believe is the personal space perk of driving a car. When you leave work and get in your car, its your space. Its almost like being half-way home already. Your 4 square meters of space, in which you can do (and unfortunately some people take this too far) whatever you want to. No attention seeking teenagers with attitude playing their hip-hop as loud as possible, because they don't get enough attention at home and so needs it from the public hordes (join a football club or something!!!). No-one coughing on your head. No-one eating like giraffe with a twig stuck between their teeth. Just you, your music, your time.
Yup, cars are better than trains any day of the week.